
Useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts That Save You Time On PC

  • In this article, you’ll find a list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts you can use in Excel.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts for repetitive tasks instead of moving the mouse can save a ton of time.
  • Excel is a complex program, hard to learn, but very useful ar the same time for professionals.
microsoft excel

Keyboard shortcuts are incredibly useful if you want to increase productivity. While it doesn’t make sense to learn all shortcuts for the programs you’re using, it can save a ton of time to know a few keyboard combos in the apps you use most. A few seconds here and there add up.

This article will show you some of the most useful shortcuts you can use in Excel, probably the second most used app from the Microsoft Office suite, after Word.

Some of the shortcuts are system-wide, which means they’re the same as some of the shortcuts we normally use in Windows. As expected, they perform the same function here in Excel. It would be weird to do something completely different.

Let’s not waste time and jump to the actual list of keyboard shortcuts.

Learn how to open Excel using the Office hardware key shortcut.


CTRL + WClose a workbook
CTRL + OOpen a workbook
CTRL + SSave workbook
CTRL + CCopy selected cells contents
CTRL + VPaste clipboard contents
CTRL + ZUndo the last action
CTRL + YRedo something you just undid
Shift + SpacebarSelect the row
ALT + I + RInsert row above the one you have selected
CTRL + –Delete the row you have selected
Shift + Control + ArrowInstantly move to the bottom of the data set and auto-select the entire range for fast copying. Keep pressing the arrow key to include the next dataset into the selected range.


Shortcut Action
ALT + HGo to the Home ribbon tab
ALT + AGo to the Data ribbon tab
ALT + NGo to the Insert ribbon tab
ALT + PPage Layout ribbon tab
ALT + WSwitch to the View ribbon tab
Shift + F10Open the contextual menu
ALT + MGo to the Formula ribbon tab
TabMove to the next option, box, control, or command
Shift + TabMove to the previous box, option, control, or command

Formatting and Editing Cells

Shortcut Action
CTRL + BBold current selection
CTRL + IItalic current selection
CTRL + 9Hide selected rows
CTRL + Shift + (Unhide selected rows
CTRL + 0Hide selected columns
CTRL + Shift + )Unhide selected columns
CTRL + ;Insert the current date
CTRL + Shift + ;Insert the current time
CTRL + KInsert a hyperlink
CTRL + Shift + %Change data to percentage format
CTRL + FFind something
CTRL + HReplace something
CTRL + SHIFT + $Show selected values as currency
CTRL + SHIFT + ~Show selected values in general number format
CTRL + 5Excel strikethrough shortcut: strikethrough text or remove it
ALT + EnterExcel cell shortcut: Add a new line in Excel


CTRL + ~Toggle on/off all cell formulas
CTRL + Shift + EnterCreate an array formula
F9Evaluate the selected formula
CTRL + Shift + UExpand the formula bar

Also read: Useful Word keyboard shortcuts and essential PowerPoint shortcuts

What other important Excel shortcuts do you use on a daily basis? Let me know so I can include them in this list.

Avatar for Ionuț-Alexandru Popa
I'm a writer and Editor-in-Chief at BinaryFork. I am passionate about technology, science, space exploration, and movies. I started writing about tech more than 20 years ago, after graduating in Computer Science.
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