
Useful PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts That Greatly Speed Up Your Workflow

  • Here’s a list of the most useful PowerPoin keyboard shortcuts grouped by category.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint is still the most used app for making presentations.
  • Knowing these essential PowerPoint shortcuts will help you work faster.
microsoft powerpoint

I don’t need to remind you I’m a big fan of using the keyboard when working. A two or three-key shortcut can save a few seconds of moving the mouse around trying to get to that menu option you desperately need. These are seconds you save each time, so in time they add up.

To me using the mouse for repetitive actions is also annoying, and being annoyed is the last thing you want when you work. That’s why I see keyboard shortcuts as essential for happy productive work, no matter the program we’re talking about.

And in this article, we’re going to take a look at the most common keyboard shortcuts for PowerPoint and a few less common, but still good-to-know key combos.

Also learn: Open PowerPoint with a dedicated Office shortcut, insert a YouTube video in PowerPoint


Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + NCreate a new presentation
Ctrl + OOpen an existing presentation
Ctrl + SSave a presentation
F12 or Alt+F2Open the Save As dialog box
Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4Close a presentation
Ctrl + QSave and close a presentation
Ctrl + ZUndo an action
Ctrl + YRedo an action
Ctrl + F2Print Preview View
F1Open the Help pane
Alt + QGo to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
F7Check spelling
Alt or F10Turn key tips on or off
Ctrl + F1Show or hide the ribbon
Ctrl + FSearch in a presentation or use Find and Replace
Alt + FOpen the File tab menu
Alt + HGo to the Home tab
Alt + NOpen the Insert tab
Alt + GOpen the Design tab
Alt + KGo to the Transitions tab
Alt + AGo to the Animations tab
Alt + SGo to the Slide Show tab
Alt + RGo to the Review tab
Alt + WGo to View tab
Alt + XGo to the Add-ins tab
Alt + YGo to the Help tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open presentations

Selection and Navigation

Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + ASelect all text in a text box, all objects on a slide, or all slides in a presentation (for the latter, click on a slide thumbnail first)
TabSelect or move to the next object on a slide
Shift + TabSelect or move to the previous object on a slide
HomeGo to the first slide, or from within a text box, go to the beginning of the line
EndGo to the last slide, or from within a text box, go to the end of the line
PgDnGo to the next slide
PgUpGo to the previous slide
Ctrl + Up / Down ArrowMove a slide up or down in your presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first)
Ctrl + Shift + Up / Down ArrowMove a slide to the beginning or end of your presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first)

Formatting and Editing

Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + XCut selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + InsertCopy selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
Ctrl + V or Shift + InsertPaste selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
Ctrl + Alt + VOpen the Paste Special dialog box
DeleteRemove selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
Ctrl + BAdd or remove bold to selected text
Ctrl + IAdd or remove italics to selected text
Ctrl + UAdd or remove underline to selected text
Ctrl + ECenter a paragraph
Ctrl + JJustify a paragraph
Ctrl + LLeft align a paragraph
Ctrl + RRight align a paragraph
Ctrl + TOpen the Font dialog box when text or object is selected
Alt + W, QOpen the Zoom dialog box to change the zoom for the slide
Alt + N, PInsert a picture
Alt + H, S, HInsert a shape
Alt + H, LSelect a slide layout
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + MInsert a new slide
Ctrl + DDuplicate the selected object or slide (for the latter, click on a slide thumbnail first)

Slideshow Control

Keyboard shortcutAction
F5Start the presentation from the beginning
Shift + F5Start the presentation from the current slide (this one is great when you want to test out how the slide your currently working on will look in your presentation)
Ctrl + PAnnotate with the Pen tool during a slideshow
N or Page DownAdvance to the next slide during a slideshow
P or Page UpReturn to the previous slide during a slide show
BChange the screen to black during a slideshow; press B again to return to the slideshow
EscEnd the slideshow

Also readUseful Word keyboard shortcuts and essential Excel shortcuts

What other important PowerPoint shortcuts are you using on a daily basis? Let me know in the comments so I can include them in this list.

Avatar for Ionuț-Alexandru Popa
I'm a writer and Editor-in-Chief at BinaryFork. I am passionate about technology, science, space exploration, and movies. I started writing about tech more than 20 years ago, after graduating in Computer Science.
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